Hither Hills

Frequently asked questions

These sets of questions and answers by experts can help get a better understanding of our general remodeling services, timeline & process.

Projects vary widely depending on your needs and budget. Our representatives visit with you to better understand your home remodeling needs. At Hammerhead we do more than give you a quote. We provide you with the information you need to make the right decisions for your home.

Our team takes the time to explain the details regarding your project. We answer all of your questions and explain our estimates for your home improvement project.

There is no obligation. Give us some time to review your wish list and we will give you valuable information. We believe that an educated consumer is our best customer!

Our free remodeling estimates include a detailed written scope of work. At times, when necessary or when requested, we will provide renderings for you to view what your remodel will look like upon completion. Renderings look like a picture of your home and are a likeness of what your remodel will look like so you can visualize the space to be remodeled.

During our free consultation with you, we will discuss the duration of your project. The key element in completing your project in a timely manner is for you to be available during the process so you can select your products. In addition, we will need full access to your home during the remodel during regular work hours. We will not begin work on your home until all the materials have been received. Our company policy is to stay on your project until completion once we have started construction.

Let's work together.

160 Front Street West includes over 12,000 square feet of retail space and 339 parking stalls.